All posts by uplandgreenhoa

2017 Homeowner’s Dues

By now, everyone should have received invoices for the 2017 homeowner’s dues.  Either a quarterly or full payment is due by the end of January to ensure no finance charge is assessed.  If you have any questions and/or need to discuss a payment plan, please email

Happy New Year!

Upland Green Homeowners:

As we welcome the new year and distribute the dues notices, we wanted to take some time to both share and request information.

  • Dues may be paid quarterly or in one payment. If paid annually, the dues are $250.00 and must be paid by January 31st.  If paid quarterly, or in full after January, there is a $30.00 processing fee, bringing the total to $280.00.  Homeowners who do not make any payment in January will also be assessed a monthly finance charge of $2.55 beginning on March 1st.  Please note the finance charge is only assessed to those who have not made ANY payment.
  • Our website is If you don’t find what you are looking for there, let us know.
  • We have a Facebook Page – Be sure to like us!
  • It is the responsibility of each homeowner to ensure that their tenants are familiar with the rules and regulations of our community (all of which may be found on our website). Take the time to reach out to your tenants.  Remember any violation penalties will be billed to and is the responsibility of the homeowner!
  • Following on the above bullet, please provide the association with your tenant’s contact information (name, address, phone number, email address). This information may be emailed to or mailed to us.
  • For all homeowners, please either mail or email ( us your phone number and email address.
  • If you are currently using the Overflow Parking lot, please make sure that your vehicle registrations are current and that we have a copy. Failure to do so will result in loss of use of the lot.  Please also mail in your 2017 payment when due.  Thank you.
  • If you wish to secure a spot in the Overflow Parking lot, please complete the Upland Green Homeowners Association Overflow Parking Regulations & Agreement (available on the website) and mail it and the yearly $180.00 payment to the above address.
  • As a reminder, per the Rules & Regulations of the Upland Green Community Organization “Trash, recycling and yard waste containers must be kept in sanitary containers concealed from the view of any Lot.” Respect your neighbors and the community – store the containers out of sight!

If you have any questions, comments and/or concerns, please attend the Board meeting on January 25th, at 7:00 p.m. at Kamiakin Middle School, Room 129.  We may also be reached via email (addresses listed on the website).


Stay Informed

With the recent uptake in car prowls, car thefts and burglaries in our neighborhood and those around us, we wanted to bring a website to your attention:  This site maps all police reported crime activity in the area and allows you to setup notifications to be alerted when new crimes are posted.

As always, please report any suspicious activity to the police.




Late last night (11/12/16), two coyotes were spotted in the street on NE 138th Place, just a couple houses in from the main entrance.  Please be alert and particularly mindful of your children and pets.

Annual Homeowners Meeting

The annual homeowners meeting is this Thursday, October 20th, beginning at 7:00 p.m. in the Kamiakin Middle School Cafeteria.

The Board will provide a brief “year in review” as well as talk about the 2017 budget and some projects we hope to accomplish in the new year.  There will also be the selection of the 2017 Board of Directors.  There are five positions that will need to be filled or renewed – Treasurer, Secretary, Community Relations, Architectural Control and Overflow Parking/Block Watch.

Hope to see you there.

Vehicle Theft

The Board has been informed of the following two illegal activities that occurred either late Saturday evening (10/15) or early Sunday morning (10/16):

  • Items from a vehicle on 138 Place NE were stolen.  The vehicle was in the homeowner’s driveway.
  • A vehicle on 134th Avenue NE was stolen.  This vehicle was also in the homeowner’s driveway.

When crime hits so close, it is easy to get scared (and angry) and wonder how to better ensure that you don’t become a victim of crime.  The City of Kirkland has a webpage containing tips to deter and prevent common types of crime.  Please check out:

48-Hour Parking Enforcement


Our Upland Green community has four 48-hour parking areas – three on NE 138th Place and one on NE 139th Place.  While many homeowners use the spots as they are intended, there are some that have used spots for long-term parking.  New signs will be in place this month to ensure there is no ambiguity in what is and is not allowed.  Once the signs are in place, vehicles violating the 48-hour limit will be towed.

June Board Meeting

This month’s board meeting will be held on Wednesday, June 22nd (instead of the 29th).  The meeting will be held at Aegis Living of Kirkland at 13000 Totem Lake Boulevard, from 7:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.

All are welcome.